A Concert in Valtos, 1913
Highland News, 22 March 1913:
A most enjoyable concert in aid of the Uig and Bernera Cattle Show Fund was held in Valtos Public School on Friday 14th inst., Mr Duncan Maclean Gisla presiding. Despite the wintry weather there was a crowded house, parties having come from the Island of Bernera and as far west as Brenish. While the audience was being admitted bagpipe selections were played by Mr Colin Macdonald of the College of Agriculture. The Secretary read letters of apology from Mr WA Ross, county councillor for the district, Mr JF Mackenzie Garynahine, Dr and Mrs Ross Garynahine and a number of others from Stornoway and elsewhere.
The chairman in a few appropriate sentences explained the object of the councert and then a varied and interesting programme of violin selections and Gaelic songs was gone through, but what called forth most applause was the acting by a local party of a sketch based on “Suiridh Lachainn Bhàin”. Mr Colin Macdonald’s lantern views were instructive and greatly appreciated by old and young. Messrs Macdonald and Macleod, school board members, moved votes of thanks to the chairman and performers respectively. The heartiness with which the votes were responded to showed how highly delighted the audience had been with the entertainment. A dance followed in which the majority of the young people took part. The School Board of Uig is deserving of special thanks for granting the use of the school for such a worthy object. It is very gratifying to the promoters of the concert that it was a success financially as well as otherwise.