Write for Us
We are always looking for new material about the people, places and stories of Uig. This website has a lot of readers now, and we know you have stories to share too.
If you’d like to write something about the past, present or even future of Uig, we’d be happy to hear from you. Besides entertaining our friends and relations around the world, any new stories will be welcome additions to the Comann Eachdraidh collection.
Your own memories of growing up in Uig, people you remember from the past, your holidays in Uig, your parents’ or grandparents’ lives, schooldays, games, traditional ways around the croft, recipes, knitting patterns, old family documents, songs and old stories will all be welcome, in English or Gaelic. If you’d rather leave the actual writing to us, we’ll be happy to oblige, but we need your ideas.
Photographs and films of Uig are in hot demand too, from any era. If you’re in Lewis, we will be happy to scan them (or copy film or video) and return them quickly along with digital copies for you; otherwise photos can be emailed.
Don’t be shy! If you have any stories, photographs or ideas, please get in touch with us.
Mòran taing.
If you would to leave a comment or get in touch with us…
You can visit our facebook page Uig Historical Society where we will be able to contact you. We have a great facebook family who are always happy to help with anything from dates, photographs and any information regarding Uig.