St Kilda seeks archaeologist
From the National Trust for Scotland website:
The National Trust for Scotland is recruiting for an Archaeologist based in Inverness and on St Kilda. St Kilda has an outstanding historic environment dominated by 19th & 20th century remains with a time-depth that belies the archipelagos remote North Atlantic position and it is the only mixed heritage site in the UK. Working with volunteers and visitors, this is a rare opportunity to work on a remote and spectacular island archipelago.
The post holder will be required to monitor archaeological remains, undertake practical interventions and supervise volunteers and contractors as necessary; to update the Sites and Monuments Record, produce reports and undertake research; and to liaise with Historic Scotland, part-funders for this post, and other partners and stakeholders in the management and conservation of the World Heritage Site.
To be successful in the role, you will have a degree in archaeology or related subject, strong communication skills, be a team player and have a proven track record in field work and conservation, with experience of building recording and practical building skills considered as an advantage. In addition, you will be self motivated and capable of living and working in a remote environment, and on occasion, working alone. The post also includes some weekend and evening work.
Applicants must also be confident in their personal physical abilities as the role requires considerable crossing of remote, rugged terrain in all weathers. Vehicular access to many parts of the island is not possible or appropriate for conservation reasons.
For more details and to apply see the job advert; the closing date is 26 Feb 2010. St Kilda is also seeking a volunteer mousecatcher.