Miss Catherine Macritchie Sails to Australia
Stornoway Gazette, 25 May 1951:
Miss Catherine Macritchie, younger daughter of Mrs & Mrs D Macritchie, 7 Aird, is combining business with pleasure by sailing on the luxury liner Oronsay on her maiden voyage to Australia. She left Tilbury on 16 May.
Catherine’s previous occupations have been tailoress in the WAAF and Glasgow tram conductress. However she was successful in being one of the chosen members of the staff of Sir Colin and Lady Anderson, the chairman of the Orient Line, to accompany them on their trip to the Pacific.
They are not expected to return to London until December and during their stay will possibly visit most of the Australian, New Zealand and Tasmanian port. Catherine has had many invitations to visit Lewis folk at mot of her ports of call and in addition to the addresses of Lewis emigrants she left St Pancras on her way to Tilbury armed with the Scottish Yearbook which will enable her to contact Highland and Scottish circles in our antipodes.
The Oronsay is one of the fastest vessels of the Merchant Service and a pleasant, comfortable and enjoyable voyage is assured.