The Seaforth Regimental Toast
The Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-shire Buffs) have been the regiment of choice (or obligation, sometimes) for Lewismen since 1772.
Deoch slàinte na Cabar Feidh ceud Feachd MacCoinnich!
Tir nam beann, na gleann, ‘s nan gaisgeach
Far am faigh ‘an t’eun fionn
‘S far am faigh am fiadh fasgadh;
Cho fada ‘s bhitheas ceo mu beann
‘S ruitheas uisge le gleann;
Maraidh cuimhneaireachd nan treun
‘S slàinte agus buaidh gu bragh
Le gillean Chabar feidh!
Cabar feidh gu brath!
Drink to the health of the Cabarfeidh [deer’s horns] and the first Regiment of Mackenzie!
The land of hills, glens and heroes
Where the ptarmigan thrives
And where the red deer finds shelter;
As long as mist hangs oer the mountains
and water runs in the glens;
May the deed of the brave be remembered
And Health and Victory for ever be
With the lads of the Cabarfeidh!
The Cabarfeidh for ever!