West Over Sea, DDC Pochin Mould “Life in the Outer Hebrides with the legendary and historical background”. 1953, Oliver and Boyd. From the dustjacket: This book… Continue reading “West Over Sea, DDC Pochin Mould”…
Bibliography: Salmon and Sea Trout Angling on Lewis and Harris (David SD Jones) New to our bookshop are some numbered and signed copies of a recent limited publication by David SD Jones entitled… Continue reading “Bibliography: Salmon and Sea Trout Angling on Lewis and Harris (David SD Jones)”…
The History of the Mackenzies Alexander Mackenzie published his comprehensive genealogical History of the Mackenzies in 1879 and reissued it in 1894 with a considerable… Continue reading “The History of the Mackenzies”…
Families of Lewis by Mac Gille Chaluim A series of articles published in the Stornoway Gazette in the 1950s and 60s by “Mac Gille Chaluim”, Rev William… Continue reading “Families of Lewis by Mac Gille Chaluim”…
Lewis in History and Legend: the West Coast By Bill Lawson (Birlinn July 2008). ISBN 9781 84158 36816. A new publication in the format of Bill’s earlier books… Continue reading “Lewis in History and Legend: the West Coast”…
A Brief Record of the Church in Uig by John Macleod OBE DL MA (1928-1998), of Carishader. Published by Comann Eachdraidh Uig in 2001. ISBN 0 903960 73… Continue reading “A Brief Record of the Church in Uig”…
The Archaeology of Skye and the Western Isles by Ian Armit. Edinburgh University Press 1996. ISBN 0 7486 0640 8. A comprehensive look at early and recent (to… Continue reading “The Archaeology of Skye and the Western Isles”…
Twenty Years of Hebridean Memories by Emily Macdonald, niece of Lord Leverhulme and wife of Dolly Doctor. Written in 1939 and privately published in 1965.… Continue reading “Twenty Years of Hebridean Memories”…
The Sporting Estates of the Outer Hebrides, Past and Present by David SD Jones, February 2008. An illustrated history of the sporting estates, including Morsgail, Scaliscro, Grimersta, Uig & Hamnaway,… Continue reading “The Sporting Estates of the Outer Hebrides, Past and Present”…
Lewis: A History of the Island Donald Macdonald Savage 1978, 2004 ISBN 1 904246 08 7 A comprehensive history of the Isle of Lewis from the… Continue reading “Lewis: A History of the Island”…
The Lewis Land Struggle: Na Gaisgich Joni Buchanan Acair 1996 ISBN 0 86152 166 8 A study of the crofter’s uprisings in Lewis as they resisted… Continue reading “The Lewis Land Struggle: Na Gaisgich”…
Diary 1851 John Munro Mackenzie, Chamberlain of the Lews. Acair 1994. ISBN 0 86152 908 1/86152 923 5. John Munro Mackenzie (grandson of… Continue reading “Diary 1851”…
Uig, a Hebridean Parish, parts I & II HA Moisley MSc & Members of the Geographical Field Group Glasgow and Nottingham Universities 1960 A very detailed survey of… Continue reading “Uig, a Hebridean Parish, parts I & II”…
Tales and Traditions of the Lews Donald Macdonald Birlinn 2004 ISDN 781841580555 Donald Macdonald (1891-1961), “Dolly Doctor”, was a native of Stornoway and Uig who practiced medicine in… Continue reading “Tales and Traditions of the Lews”…