A Herd-boy’s Piece
Lewsiana (W Anderson Smith, 1874/1896) gives this little titbit.
Before we leave the family blinking round the peat fire, telling interminable tales or crooning never-ending songs, we will introduce the reader to a favourite bonne bouche. Take two eggs, with a little butter and meal, whip them all well up together, and place on the top of a hot barley bannock. Spread evenly over, and hold a live peat above until it firms sufficiently to allow the cake to be toasted before the fire. This done properly, no instructions are required as to its disposal. It is a favourite “piece” for herd-boys; and one was formerly due to whoever discovered a cow after calving – one or two eggs being given according to the sex of the calf. With beef at a premium and cattle at a ransom, we advise, in the interests of society and the herd-boys, an immediate return to the practice.
I don’t know if this was an Uig practice – any thoughts? I do know about certain former herd-boys of our acquaintance eating big slices of pressed cheese spread thickly with butter.