Uig Lodge

Uig Lodge was built in 1876 by James Matheson and later given by Lord Leverhulme to his niece as a wedding present.

It was the first concrete dwelling house in Scotland; the sand came from the northwest shore of Loch Stacsavat, carried there by women in kists on their backs at 3d a trip. The house is currently let as a fishing lodge.

We will be digitaising all of our archives soon…

The archives we have are currently in the Museum. Most of the known genealogy of Uig Lodge has been documented on Hebridean Connections.

If you would like to leave a comment or get in touch with us…

You can visit our facebook page Uig Historical Society where we will be able to contact you. We have a great facebook family who are always happy to help with anything from dates, photographs and any information regarding Uig.