Breanish Marriages, 1824-1834
The following marriages, all involving at least one Breanish family, are extracted from the Old Parish Register of the Established Church in Uig.
Not all marriages were registered and the date may refer to the calling of banns, rather than an actual wedding.
Angus Gillies son of John Gillies and Janet Macritchie at Breanish, to Marion Matheson daughter of Peter Matheson and Chirsty Macleod at Erista, 18/09/1829
Malcolm Macleod son of Donald Macleod and Catherine Buchanan at Breanish, to Catherine Mackay daughter of Norman Mackay and Cursty Buchanan at Mealista, 09/11/1824
Donald Morrison to Bell Maciver at Breanish, 03/09/1831