History/ Eachdraidh

The Comann Eachdraidh holds a variety of documents and sources on all aspects of local history:

Archaeology, crofting, fishing, land ownership, economic activity, church and education, soldiers and wars. Follow the links:


Emigration from all parts of the Hebrides, including all four parishes of Lewis, has been constant since at least 1750, but there are particular periods of concentrated activity, described briefly below.

Census and Reports

Census and Reports – Census and Reports of population, figures and survey information from Uig

Soldiers, Sailors and Wars

Soldiers, Sailors and Wars – Islanders were willing and active participants in the First and Second World Wars. They signed up in the droves, and before that a large body of men took the king’s shilling and served overseas, returning with hair-raising tales and in some cases, blindness and injury.

Church and School

Church and School – Churches and School in Uig

Land and Crofting

Land and Crofting – We have documents in the museum on land use, evictions, rent arrears and the lotting of crofts (which was mostly ca. 1850), as well as general information about crofting and fishing.

Uig in 1874

Uig in 1874. From Lewsiana, by W Anderson Smith (1874, 1886). UPWARDS of thirty miles from Stornoway, by Garynahine, lies the district of Uige. Although so much farther off than Shawbost or Carloway, it is nevertheless much nearer, so far as facilities for com­munication and elements of civilisation are concerned. 

We will be adding more to our archive soon.

Most of the archive information is on Uig.

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You can visit our facebook page Uig Historical Society where we will be able to contact you. We have a great facebook family who are always happy to help with anything from dates, photographs and any information regarding Uig.