Wartime Wedding Telegrams
For next year, Uig Museum will be mounting a display of wedding and christening objects, and we’re very keen to collect any items, stories, photographs and archives connected with these events in Uig over the years. Naturally we don’t need to take ownership of them, unless you’d like to give them a safe home – we can photograph or scan them and return them immediately. If you have any such Uig-related items you’d like to contribute, please get in touch with Sarah or Finlay (672224); we are particularly keen to collect (the content of) wedding telegrams, from any decade
Meanwhile, here are some telegrams sent to Donald Matheson (Dòmhnall a Bheiceir, 39 Cliff) and Chrissie nee Ferguson (Morsgail) on the occasion of their wedding on 27 September 1944 at Morsgail Lodge. Many thanks to Christine for passing them on to us.
Heartiest congratulations and may the ship of good fortune take anchor in your home.
Heartiest congratulations. May the chain that is joined today never rust a link.
May this pairing never need repairing.
Hearty congratulations Chrissie. Sugar is rationed, love is not, you don’t need coupons for a utility cot.
Congratulations. May this union never go on strike.
May the new-bound volume lead to many happy additions.
May all your spuds be Golden Wonders.
Congratulations. May your lives be one long song with Donald supplying the notes.
Congratulations. Urgent: Valtos Public School wants more pupils.
Congratulations. Invasion tonight, beware of secret weapons.
Good luck to the Captain and the mate, may the crew increase at a terrible rate.
Don’t let Calum oil his plugs too much tonight.
You have long dwelt in Hope Street – may you dwell longer in Union Street.
Happy be the bride, happy be the groom. Happy be the little crowd who sit around the room.
Disease, love. Treatment, marriage. Prognosis nappies and floor walking.