Uig Museum COVID Guidelines

We have had to make several changes since we last opened, this is to ensure that you safely enjoy your next visit.

All the information and changes about reopening are listed below:

  • Most of COVID-19 restrictions are now lifted in Scotland however we would ask you to maintain sensible social distance, use the hand sanitiser and wear face-coverings during your visit to the museum.
  • You can pay the £2 entrance fee at the door and you do not need to book beforehand.

What are you required as you enter the museum?

  • Face masks and coverings are required. We cannot let you into the museum if you don’t have one, unless you’re exempt.
  • Before you enter the museum, please use the sanitiser station provided.
  • There is a one-way route in place throughout the museum, it is easy to follow.
  • We ask that you keep a safe distance between yourself and others around you. Please be considerate of other visitors and staff.
  • Any artefact that is out on display, we advice that you do not touch any of them.
  • Stay within your selected groups, do not mingle with any other group.
  • Our shop will be opening as well, we will be accepting cash or card payments (if the card machine is operational)
  • If you are feeling unwell or have symptoms of COVID-19, please go for a test and do not visit the museum.

We at Uig Museum want you to enjoy your time here in the safest possible way. Thank you for your cooperation.

We will be open for the remainder of the season

Thursday, Friday and Saturday
12:00 – 16:00

Museum admission: Adults £2, Members and children free.
See here for more information on Government Guidelines.

If you are feeling unwell or have symptoms of COVID-19, please do not visit the museum.

If you would like to leave a comment or get in touch with us…

You can visit our facebook page Uig Historical Society where we will be able to contact you. We have a great facebook family who are always happy to help with anything from dates, photographs and any information regarding Uig.