The Kirk Session Wonders Where the Money Went
A minute from the Kirk Session; Alexander Macleod had left Uig (and the Established Church) 23 years previously. We don’t know how this turned out.
At Stornoway, the 4th day of December 1866 years.
Which day the Kirk Session of the Parish of Uig, under leave obtained from the Presbytery of Lewis, met here, and was constituted by the Rev Roderick Fraser, Moderator. Sederunt with him, as assessors appointed by the presbytery on 29 March 1865, the Rev James Strachan, Minister of Barvas, and the Rev Ewen Campbell, minister of Knock. Mr Strachan was appointed clerk.
The session having had their attention directed to the will of the late Mr Angus Nicolson of Stornoway, by which he bequeathed various sums of money for the behoof of certain of his poor relations residing in the parish of Uig, have every reason to believe that the sums thus bequeathed were, at one or more periods, paid into the hands of the minister and Kirk Session in terms of the will, but find that no portion of the sum is at this date in the possession of the session. In these circumstances the session resolve to institute enquiry with the view of ascertaining 1st whether the monies were really lodged in the hands of the session and 2nd if so, how their utter disappearance is to be accounted for.
In order to the carrying out of this investigation the Session remit to the Kirk Session of the Parish of Rogart to examine the Rev Alex. McLeod, at present Free Church minister in that parish, and formerly minister of the Parish of Uig, and who is believed to be the sole surviving party able to give evidence on the subject.
Roderick Fraser, Modr.
James Strachan, Clerk.