Breanish Valuation Roll 1855-60

The following list from the Lews estate papers gives the roll of tenants in Breanish in the years 1855 to 1860 and the annual rent they paid.

It may be assumed that where no figure is given, the previous year’s rate applies.

No croft numbers are given; and this list does not represent every family in Breanish at the time, as landless cottars were also living in the township.

The following additional notes are appended:

In 1857-58 Mary Mackay held a joint tenancy with Angus Macdonald.

In 1857-58 there were 12 tenants paying under £3.

In 1858-59 there were 29 tenants, 7 paying under £3.

In 1859-60 there were 29 tenants and:

Widow Mary Morrison paying £2 16s
Widow Mary Mackay paying £2 14s
Widow Margaret Macritchie paying £2 6/5
Widow Chirsty Morrison paying £2 6/5
Widow Mary Buchanan paying £5 6/5
Widow Ann Mackinnon (Donald) paying £1 6s