Gaelic Karaoke: Seinn Thu Fhèin
Pròiseact nan Ealan and Murray International Language Centre, both in Stornoway, have collaborated on the production of a new Gaelic Karaoke DVD, to be launched this Friday (23 January) at Celtic Connections in Glasgow. There are nine songs in the collection, including Eilean an Fhraoich, Hè mo Leannan and our own Fear a’Bhàta, with the sing-along words appearing on screen against a backdrop of Hebridean views, and a booklet with the songs in two languages. The songs are performed by Michelle Morrison (of Teine) and Mod gold medallist Kenneth Nicolson, or in the proper Karaoke fashion you can sing to the music only.
All the songs can be sampled online, and here’s Fear a’Bhàta:
The launch will take place at the Centre for Contemporary Arts (CCA), 5-6pm. If you’d like to attend, contact Kirstie at Pròiseact nan Ealan or ring 01851 704493… bring your voice. More about the DVD, including how to buy it, can be found on the website.
The Comann Eachdraidh is having its own Gaelic singalong on Tuesday 10 February at the Uig Hall – though without the karaoke, this time. Maggie Smith and the Uig singing group will perform some traditional waulking and spinning songs; 8pm, free, all welcome.