Àite na Ordaighean: the Place of Worship

The place name Àite nan Ordaighean in Valtos Glen is still known today and a rough cairn is all that remains in this place of worship. Foot paths descending down the steep sides of the Glen to reach the place of worship are still visible. Those paths indicate the various directions from which many worshippers approached. People walked for miles to hear the gospel being preached in this sheltered spot. 

There are few written records about the open air services in Glen Valtos but it is thought that services were held there whilst the Free Church at Ceann Langabhat in Miavaig was being built after the Disruption, or later whilst the church was being repaired.

But a spiritual hymn written by a Geshader woman reveals the anguish behind a split in the church which meant services were preached in the Glen. One of the preachers mentioned helps to date this composition. The Reverend Donald Macarthur served at the Parish Church of Uig 1899-1910.


Bha ar caraid Dòmhnall Macartair
Air a dhearbhadh le droch cheartas
Nuair a chuir iad e Ghleann Bhaltois
Gus an soisgeul chuir an cèill ann.

Ged a thug iad bhuaithe am mansa
Cha do sleamhnaich fodha a chasan
Bha fear saoraidh dluth g’ a anam
‘S  a bh’ann g’ a anam beitir.

Chuir iad Daniel gan gharadh
‘S chuir iad Eòin a dh’eilean Phatmos
Chì sibh mar a rinn sin tachairt
Ma nì sibh an eachdraidh a leughadh.

Nuair a thigeadh àm an òrdugh
Bhiodh ar caraid caomh Macleòid ann
Nuair a chuireadh e chainnt an òrdugh
Cha robh beò na gheibheadh grèim air.

An uair a bhiodh an sluagh ri tionail
Is tric a rinn mo shùilean sileadh
Ag èisdeachd bhriathran ceòlmhor mhilis
Bho Mac Ill’innean Dhun Eideann.