A Gig for the Reverend Mackenzie
The Highland News, 5 July 1913:
On Wednesday, 2nd inst., the Rev Allan Mackenzie, parish minister of Uig, received a deputation from his congregation who presented him with a handsome new trap and carriage rug. Mr John Matheson Aird said that when the congregation understood how much the minister required a new trap, they entered most heartily into the proposal. The minister had given his services ungrudgingly for the good of the parish in the post, and they wished to assist him to do so in future. Might he long live among them to enjoy its use! Mr Alex Macaulay Cliff said that they were greatly indebted to Mr Alex Mackenzie, contractor, Aird and Mr Angus Macaulay, mason, Cliff, for the energetic manner in which the scheme was carried itno effect. He was delighted at the readiness with which the congregation – Bernera and Crulivig especially – contributed. All the collectors were deserving of their best thanks for their good work. He was exceedingly pleased at the result and he hoped the minister might long be spared to labour amongst them.
Mr Mackenzie, accepting the the trap and rug, said that he was very grateful for the suitable words spoken by those who made the presentation. He knew that the congregation had contributed out of the depth of their poverty, but the Apostle had commended the liberality of the Corinthian Church before for acting in a similar manner. It was the duty of a parish minister to do his best for his parishioners, and he had tried to discharge his duties in that respect. He wished his grateful thanks to be conveyed to collectors and contributors. He believed that there was not a better gig of its size in the whole Island. The trap was specially built to order by Harvey, Stromness.